Street car under Neptune Ave Station


We are north of the Neptune Ave station facing south. In the historical photo, the old staircase is facing north, while present day is facing the other direction.  The streetcar heading north is under the el, while other direction would be to the right of the el.  In the historical photo, on the left side are three items to point out.  A fire alarm pull box, a fire plug, and a wooden pole by the fire plug. 


In the present day photo, I made two circles, circle 1 is the fire alarm pull box, and 2 is the wooden pole.  The only thing missing is the fire plug.  I took the following photos at the base of the wooden pole where it looks like the fire plug used to be,


The city a number of years ago undertook a program to remove obsolete fire plugs.  Most likely the one in the photo fell victim to it.


Another problem I noticed in the historical photo.  On the left and right sides are very ghost like images of tall story buildings.  In the present day photo, you cannot see them due to the trees being in full bloom.



While it was hard to get the exact same angle of the historic photo, I hope I am making my point that the buildings in the early 60's could not be in a photo that had a working street car that didn’t exist after the mid 50's


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